My Ok Go Remix (free download)

Hey everyone.

A bit of an update on things. Last I heard from the label, they said 1997 should be out late July (thats this month). So that should be great. On a side note, I’ve also been doing a 1997 bracelet giveaway. I’ve gotten quite a few requests and will be sending them out this week. Sorry for the delay.

When 1997 comes out, there will also be deluxe 1 inch bracelets with gold printing available for purchase. I’m also planning some t-shirts and buttons.

To tide you over, here is a remix I made a while back of the band Ok Go for a contest. Its a very Prince-esque remix and thusly different than most of my other tracks.

Hope you enjoy it:
Ok Go – White Knuckles (Mercurius FM Purple Remix) by MERCURIUSFM

You can follow me for random updates on Facebook & Twitter too.

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