I’m a self employed, independent artist. As such, I don’t make a lot of money, certainly  not from music. Even with self publishing, I make less than 75 cents (US) per track and most deals don’t pay out because the amount of sales come out to less than the cost to publish. In no way am I asking for your money, however there are some fans who ask how they can help or contribute funds in a more substantial way. Below I’ve listed a few ways you chip in to the Mercurius FM cause.

1. Tell your local club and promoters about me. Refer them to my website ( or Soundcloud to listen to my music. DJ gigs are a great way for artists to make money and promoters will only book an artist if the local area has a demand for that particular artist.

2. Buy my music and tell your friends about it. All my original music is for sale via BandCamp. My remixes can be found via Beatport, iTunes, Juno, Amazon and other digital retailers. Play it in your iPod, your DJ sets or just show it to your friends.

3. Tip me via PayPal. You can donate as much or as little as you like, all of it will be appreciated and help pay for living expenses.

4. Buy me stuff via my Amazon Wishlist. I love video games and gain a lot of inspiration from them.

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